Welcome to my homepage. I'm an independent, internationally working freelance photographer and former pianist currently living in Scandinavia. Due to my acquaintance with the music business my photography focuses strongly on artist portraits but I also do business or private portraits, advertising, products and documentary photography. Fine Art though, has in the later years become an increasingly important part of my work. 

I have a Master Degree in music from The Sibelius Academy 1997 and private studies (post graduate level) in  photography in Frankfurt am Main 2013 - 2016. 

Member of the Swedish Association of Professional Photographers. The Holy Art Artist since 2023.

Winner of the Fine Art Category of The 21st. Edition of Pollux Awards, Barcelona 2024.

My art is represented at art museums of and private collections around Europe.. 

Artistic Statement

Marcus Boman’s work focuses on the inner bonds between human and nature. His scientific curiosity and interest in prehistoric religion, panpsychism and the so called Umwelt theory are important sources for his inspiration. To try to understand and get a glimpse of how other lifeforms perceive our world he uses different digital techniques to reach realms unperceivable to humans which are then interpreted visually. His art proposes thereby an alternative understanding of the world that surrounds us. He wants to show an alternative world where traditional dualism such as good and evil, dark and light, masculine and feminine do not stand in opposition to each other, but constitute natural and complementary parts of us all. The images are not a depiction of an external reality, but serve as a medium to convey an inner experience.

Some of my clients: ACS Energy, Förlaget Litorale, Langitude Quartet, Sofie Asplund, soprano, Ålands framtid r.f, Schildts & Söderströms förlag, Åland Opera Festival, Leakomatic Ab, Ålands musikinstitut, Svenska Folkskolans vänner, Jenny Carlstedt, mezzosoprano, Norra Ålands församling, Saltviks församling, Jomala församling, Bryggeriet Stallhagen Ab, Svenska kulturfonden, Viking Line, Svenska Sjöfartsverket, Christian Immler, baryton & Helmut Deutsch, piano, Peter Hägerstrand, musiker, Frukt- och bärodlarnas förbund i Finland, DKCO Advokatbyrå, Förlaget Scriptum, Teater Kuling, Ålands ombudsmannamyndighet,  Första Apoteket, Kubo Creative Agency, Hiromi Omura, sopran Tokyo/Auvergne, IMG Artist Management London, Aller Media Oy,  Radio Deutschland Köln, Hessische Rundfunk.

If You are interested in my work or my services or if You just want to say hello, feel free to get in touch.

Other Merits:

Residency Juni 2024 at Faberllull Olot, Institut Ramon Llull Barcelona.  

Residency May 2023 at Faberllull Olot, Institut Ramon Llull Barcelona. 



Illustrations to Ta emot skogens gåvor  A-L & J Harberg. ISBN 9789527224915 Förlaget Litorale. 2024.

I AM (Okt) 2021. ISBN 978-952-94-4218-8. Recommended by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.   

Jag lever än. Lumparland ISBN 978-952-5614-75-6

Skaparkraft. Portraits of 60 artists from the Aland Islands. Mariehamn 2018 ISBN 978-952-94-0413-1

En dag på bryggeriet Stallhagen. Stallhagen Ab 2004 - 2014. Mariehamn 2014



Axis Mundi Jomala bibliotek, Åland

I AM The Holy Art Gallery, London.   

Frozen Memories. Vårdö bibliotek, Åland

 I AM  Stockholm Fisk, Stockholm  


I AM. FotoNostrum, Barcelona. Three the pictures from the series was awarded with an Honorable Mention and was exhibited  in October 2022.

From Fisherman to Captain. Rosengård, Finström och Erkas hembygdsgård Vårdö

I AM  Laterna Magica, Helsingfors, februari 2022,  (Togehter with painter Olof Kangas under the title Natura Mystica).


I AM  Åland Art Museum.

Jag lever än - livet som jag minns det. Lemlands bibliotek, Lumparlands bibliotek, Jomala bibliotek och Ålands kulturhistoriska museum.


Skaparkraft. Luckan Helsingfors och Nordens institut på Åland. 


Fine Art. Frankfurt am Main. Tyskland 


Fine Art. Ålands fotografiska museum. Åland


Vårdöbybor. (Portraits of elderly people from a small village, from 1975-76) Vårdö Åland.

Mandal Creative Studios

Mandalsgatan 34, AX-22310 Pålsböle, Åland

Tel. +358 (0)457 3424 124

FO-nr 1543830-4

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